

(《健康生活报道》记者马丽霞、《加拿大和世界报道》记者张进多伦多联合报道) 2020年2月5日,安省老年人事务部部长赵承俊(Raymond Cho)在多伦多华人社区士嘉堡避风塘中餐馆举行了午餐招待会,邀请了华裔、韩裔、基督徒、穆斯林、印度裔、非州裔、犹太裔等社区负责人及媒体参加。

省议员白必勤、韦邱佩芳、彭锦威、安省老年人事务部部长赵承俊、安省卫生部部长克里斯汀克里斯汀·埃利奥特、多伦多华人团体联合总会主席翁国宁 (图片提供:金宏)


安省卫生部部长克里斯汀·埃利奥特(Christine Elliott)、安省省议员白必勤(Aris Babikian)、韦邱佩芳、彭锦威来到现场。 赵承俊、白必勤与克里斯汀分别发表讲话,呼吁大家支持华人社区和及其生意,继续为那些被病毒感染的人祈祷。克里斯汀说华人社区对安省的繁荣做出了贡献,大家必须团结起来,支持中餐馆。赵承俊表示在此艰难情况下大家要团结一致,相互支持,同时也为受难者祈祷。省议员白必勤在讲话中也强调了团结的重要性。开餐前白必勤与每一桌的与会者一一合影,表示鼓励与支持。

赵承俊发表讲话 (图片提供:金宏)

安省卫生部部长克里斯汀·埃利奥特(Christine Elliott)(图片提供:金宏)



活动现场 (图片提供:金宏)






据多伦多卫生官员称,不准确信息的继续传播给我们社区的成员带来了不必要的耻辱。歧视和误传不能为任何人提供保护。正如多伦多市长庄德利(John Tory)说的那样:以任何形式歧视华裔、他们的孩子、生意或者任何人是没有立足之地的。基于我们的健康专业人士所说的,此时此刻,保持基本常识和警觉行为,这种情况是完全可以掌控的。


CMC成员组织机构:加拿大Meatophum高棉人协会、孟加拉裔加拿大人社区服务协会、安大略缅甸加拿大协会、安大略加拿大斯里兰卡协会、加拿大泰米尔人大会、安大略加拿大藏族协会、儿童早餐俱乐部、大多伦多中国文化中心、日本加拿大文化中心、韩国加拿大文化协会、安大略老挝协会、马来西亚加拿大协会、全国印加人协会、尼泊尔社区、菲律宾独立日理事会、星辉体育俱乐部、台湾加拿大多伦多协会、安大略泰国协会、多伦多越南协会、安大略Yin Hua协会


Canadian Multicultural Council- Asians in Ontario (CMC) is an umbrella organization

representing over twenty Asian Canadian associations to preserve and promote Asian Culture and

Heritage. For the past 22 years, CMC has been at the forefront in celebrating Asian culture,

especially during Asian heritage month in May. Either directly or indirectly through our member

organizations. CMC has contributed to the vibrant multicultural fabric of Greater Toronto and of


It is with sadness, we note that the recent outbreak of Coronavirus has resulted in a rise in

discrimination against people who trace their origins to China and South East Asian countries

especially if someone looks Chinese or appears to be Asian. As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

stated a few days ago,”There is no place in our country for discrimination driven by fear or

misinformation”. He also said that this is not Canadian and we should never stand for it. While

health officials agree that the case numbers are increasing rapidly in China, there has not been

widespread transmission outside China.

The risk, as stated by Toronto Public Health and surrounding Municipalities, remains low for its

residents. All health agencies actively monitor the situation in collaboration with provincial and

national health agencies through various local authorities and stakeholders, including hospitals

airports and community agencies. According to Toronto Medical Officer of Health, inaccurate

information continues to spread and this is creating unnecessary stigma against certain members

of our community. Discrimination and misinformation does not offer anyone protection

As Toronto Mayor John Tory said “There is no place for discrimination in any form against

Canadians. their children, their businesses or anyone else, on account something that our health professionals have told us is entirely manageable at this moment based on common sense, vigilant behavior.”

Let us all stand in solidarity together as one Canadian and overcome this epidemic.

CMC member organizations: Association of Meatophum Khmer of Canada, Bangladeshi-Canadian,Community Services, Burma Canadian Association of Ontario, Canada Sri Lanka Association of Ontario, Canadian Tamil Congress, Canadian Tibetan Association of Ontario, Children’s Breakfast Clubs. Chinese Cultural Center of Greater Toronto, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, Korean Canadian Cultural Association, Lao Association of Ontario, Malaysian Association of Canada, National Association of Indo-Canadians, Nepalese Community, Philippine Independence Day Council, Sing Fai Sports Club, Taiwanese Canadian association of Toronto, Thai Society of Ontario, Vietnamese Association-Toronto, Yin Hua Association of Ontario.